Electrician , Mechanic

Job Id :100128703


For Construction & Maintenance company based in Kuwait is looking for young, energetic & experienced professionals for the following positions.

1. Electrical Protection Engineer – 1No

Qualification &Skill Level: B.E (Elect.) & 6 years’ experience in power plant sector.

2. Electrician – 4Nos
Qualification &Skill Level: ITI & 6 years’ experience in power plant sector.

3. Electro mechanic – HT /Millwright Technician – 2Nos
Qualification &Skill Level: ITI & 6 years’ experience in power plant sector

Candidates matching the above criteria shall apply through email, with their latest CV& Other documents, Please mention Position Applied for, in the “Subject” of the email :

Basic Details

Location : Ahmadi , Kuwait

Qualification :

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Kuwait Jobs

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