I need a worker for a sweet factory


Job Id :100147309


I need a worker for a sweet factory cacao , pies or assistant specialty

I need a worker for a sweet factory

cacao , pies or assistant specialty

10 working hours per day and 1 day off per week

The salary is to be determined after the interview

free transportation from anywhere in Kuwait and we will provide training if needed

Visa should be transferable to the company

بحاجه عماله لدى مصنع حلويات
تخصص كاكاو او فطاير او مساعد
١٠ ساعات عمل يوم اجارزه في الاسبوع
الراتب يتم تحديده بعد المقابلة يوجد خدمة مواصلات بشرط قابل للتحويل الاقامه التواصل فقط وتساب ٦٦١٦١٨٦٤


Basic Details

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Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Kuwait Jobs

Posted By: Kuwait Boss

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