Procurement Officer

Procurement Officer

Job Id :100154724


We are looking for an organised procurement officer to handle purchasing. In this position, you will play a pivotal role in securing high-quality and cost-efficient supplies for our business.

- Review all vendors and suppliers
- Create and maintain relationships with vendors/suppliers
- Estimate and establish budgets for purchases.
- Negotiate pricing and supply contracts
- Maintain purchase records such as RPO, PO, invoices, etc. (soft and hard copies, maintain and update a list of suppliers and other important data.
- Develop plans for purchasing services, and supplies
- Ensure that the products and supplies meet quality standards
- Work with team members to complete duties as needed

Basic Details

Location : Kuwait , Kuwait

Qualification : Bachelor

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Alshamel Medical Laboratories Management Co.

Posted By: Alshamel Medical Laboratories Management Co

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