JOB VACANCY: Data entry , Accountant , Office assistant , Storekeeper, Cashier , Document controller , Supervisor , HVAC Technician , Electrician , Carpenter , Welders , Plumbers , Forklift operators, Heavy driver , light driver , Mechanical Engineer , Civil Engineer , Foreman , Automobile Mechanic , Chef , Waiters & Cleaning Jobs Available

Driver , Data Entry , Accountant , Chef

Job Id :100159958


Receptionist/ Helper / Cleaners / Maids / Nanny / Housekeepers / Gardener / Cashier / Storekeeper / Chef / Gardeners /Cleaners / Drivers / Cook/ Security Guard /Secretary / Accountant / Office Assistant / Data Entry, Personal Assistant/ Document Controller/ Electrician /Plumber / Welder / Carpenter / Painter /Inventory controller / Light driver / Errand boys / Delivery boys /office boy / Automobile engineer / Forklift operator / HVAC Technician/ Mechanical Engineer/ Supervisor / Wanted in USA . We Offer $4,000 - $7000 Monthly with a $250 weekly allowance including FREE accommodation and feedings . If you are interested in joining the staff of Mr Richard's family , Kindly send your CV or RESUME via email to or Whatsapp +1(209)279-0140

Basic Details

Qualification :

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Kuwait Jobs

Posted By: aishat bala

Contact Info

Mobile : Not-Mentioned

Alternate Mobile : Not-Mentioned

Email :

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